#1 First you need to create material

 For example:
       "Material A" Inventory 100

#2 You need to configure the material usage of the product, go to the product page, click add, select the product that already exists in Shopify, then configure the material usage of the variant (a variant can consist of multiple material usages)

For example:
      Product A uses 1 x Material A
      Product B uses 2 x Material A

Note: When you configure the material usages for a product and save it, the system will calculate the product inventory based on the current material inventory and update the product inventory in Shopify.

Product A inventory is modified to 100, Product B inventory is modified to 50

To maintain this product inventory later, maintain it through the material inventory, do not change this product inventory in Shopify manually.

Next, the system will enter the automatic management of inventory

Automatic #1. If customers buy 10 x product A, the corresponding stock of material A will be reduced to 90, and as the stock of material A is reduced, all products that use material A will be calculated and the corresponding stock will be updated.

       Product A inventory:90 and Product B inventory:45

Note: when the order product quantity is changed or the order is canceled, material and product inventory will also be automatically modified